很多事情的發生都是接二連三的-真巧!所有的新創都在不到2個月內(1.5月)發生- 顯然這個生命體載過太多東西-所以應該掏出來共享-才不枉此生!(反正也帶不走)也免得走時負載過重-難行…
1. 上個月新開一個Blog
2. 同時還誤打誤撞地開了這一個Blog:周元-悠遊天地
3. 在某單位開授的團體心靈輔導課程亦換新班-由教授70名學員上下換到教另一約120名學員的班
4. 在北縣某社大開授一心靈成長班-〈屬應用催眠〉…後續如何未可知,但我很喜歡每一位學員-他們的催眠感受性很高而且各個熱誠、有見地-一學程下來精采可期!又是一次特別的教學相長機會-對我來說:新的學員代表新的視野…
5. 新行程-大陸行
6. 最近又開了個新聞台-還想辦報…怎麼著?生活太豐富了唄?
7. 所以-為了豐富你的人生,不妨參考別人的人生;或者以你豐富的人生來豐富別人的…
8.明天又是 新新新 每分每秒也是新新新 也要讓自己的心新新新
Aria 2006/04/19
308- 美麗的寶島 翻唱asa8866
6 年前
2 則留言:
Hi Aria, Is that your Golden Retriever (dog)? Years ago I had one just like that dog. She was such a good dog. Sorry, I don't know very much about art. It's interesting. Did you get my last comment? Hope you have a good week, Scott
Hello Scott,
Every time I wanted to delete my comment after I posted it. Because I found some words wrong.
Now I would like write again. And maybe make another wrong…
That friendly Golden Retriever named Jimmy. He is too fat but lovely-most guests feed too much food for him. His master told me.
In fact, the dog always let me scare when I were child. Then I learn something about it, now I can close and touch them sometimes-depend on it likes me or not.
Art? Did you say about photo? It is easy to make it by “Picasa”was downloaded from Google. You can also try it.
How about your dog now?
May you have nice day and night,